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^ Abridged tool suite is a plug-and-play SDK for rapid production-grade application development
^ Future-proof your application by integrating Web 3 components
^ Developer Portal provides more control of features and extensions


Dev Toolkit

^ Account contracts for ease of onboarding.
^ Fiat ramps for quick crypto access.
^ Off-chain transactions via generalized state channels.

SDK - CLI - Dev Portal


^ An open source SDK provides the foundation of the Abridged Suite, standardizing access to blockchain scalability
and UX tools for a more rapid workflow.

^ Our CLI makes integration increasingly easier, activate state channels and Web2-like login with a few commands.

^ The Dev Portal (coming soon) will provide analytics and custom add ons built to enhance product focused decision-making.

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our Ecosystem

^ Stay up-to-date with our technology and take part in the conversation